Introduce Yourself, Current picture, 15 interesting Facts about yourself

Well, I'm Mandie. :) Originally Amanda Gayle, I've considered changing to Mandie permanently but I don't want to hurt my moms feelings. I've discussed this with her. She agrees it would hurt her feelings. She loves the name Amanda. Its funny because I don't FEEL like an Amanda. I'm definitely a Mandie. :)
This picture isn't TOO recent but I do love it. It contains some of my favorite people!!! You can tell its not too recent because, well, most of us have a different hair color now! (In Jacob's case, he just HAS some hair now!) Also, my dear Jessica has moved away...miss her!
15 Facts about me!
1. My most favorite claim to fame is I was born with a tooth. If you've known me long, you know that. Its so strange that I must share. Wives tales say its means your going to be famous. :) Cindy Crawford was born with a milk tooth, and she graduated from my high school, that means something, right? Probably not.
2. Since using a smart phone I seem to not be able to use punctuation or capitalization on the computer. I'm so used to just double spacing and it doing it for me, I can hardly function without that will see it in my blogs, I'm sure. So I guess, my smart phone has made me dumb.
3. I love Jesus. For some, that USED to know me, it may seem like a real stretch. But I do. :)
4. I'm extremely fertile. See FOUR minions that run around my house. Now, I would like the capability to pass my fertility blessing onto someone else!
5. I have been blogging for exactly two days now. I can already tell I'm going to need Healing Journey down the road to get over my addiction.
6. I lead an amazingly blessed life. I'm under the firm belief that its what I'm GOING to do that has provided me with such a prosperous present. Don't get me wrong. We're broke, we have problems, we lead a normal life but are BEYOND blessed.
7. I am horrible at algebra (or math in general). I have taken it FOUR times as a class and failed every single time. Twice in high school. Twice in college.
8. I struggle with addictions and temptation that you may not guess. Its crazy. However, in my biggest one, I see the lies I have been told and will not be going back. Even though the longing doesn't fade away.
9. I think in Facebook status updates. I might need Healing Journey for that too. :)
10. I love to be crafty. Sewing, scrapbooking, creating, thinking, conjuring up ideas. This is how my brain works. (It does NOT work in a math kind of way). However I cannot paint or draw to save my life and I wish I could! I can see the picture in my head and somewhere between my brain and my head the message gets confused. Must be my shoulder messing it up!
11. I'm a little bit granola. I love cloth diapers, drying my clothes on the clothes line, breastfeeding, the idea of birthing at home (illegal in Illinois, grrr), eating naturally, using natural products, home gardens, canning (or freezing) fresh food for later, attachment parenting, co-sleeping and the idea of raising our own eggs and meat.
12. I love to read fiction books and parenting books. And self help books. I didn't love to read until about 4th grade. Then I read "Super Fudge" at the prompting of my friend Jessi. I've loved to read since then. I can no longer read horror novels though, they give me nightmares and increase my anxiety.
13. I LOVE to cook. LOVE. If only someone else would clean up my mess. I am not a neat cook. Or a neat anything for that matter.
14. I was born in Philadelphia, PA. My dad was in the Navy, stationed in New Jersey. I have yet to figure out why they didn't live on base or why I wasn't delivered in a military hospital. Maybe I've know that answer and forgotten. I'm sure that's the case!
15. I'm the oldest of two children. My little bro Thom is six years younger. He recently became a dad and fiance. I can now stand to be around him. :) In fact, I might ALMOST admit hes a LITTLE bit cool, and sometimes funny. But is still a dirtball. :)