I've been thinking about starting a blog now since before Christmas. Mostly to journal my crazy thoughts and ideas. Sorta to share recipes and household tips. Now, inspired by Tanya's daily blogging and many of my other friends participating in the 30 day challenge, I have started it. I come up with ideas for blogs almost daily, including formulating my personal "mission statement", which will eventually fall in here....trying to find the info on the 30 day blogging challenge...bear with me as I get there.
Today, my mission statement, my life, my motivation, and my encouragement is in the form of my four minions. I just love them. I may have been a young Mother but I'm seeming to think I'm doing ok. :) And at least they are cute!!! Teetoe is 12, Special Agent M is 2, J is 9 months, and Mo is 7 in this picture. They make my heart smile.
Ok, Michael is 3 and half way to 4. But totally not 2. LOL!