Pictured above is me and my BFF ;) Ang. I looks super imposed amoungst the tan people!

Then me and my BFFEL, Doreen. We are upside down. And your jealous you didnt think of it.

My sweetie Nick. He puts up with SO much from me....that he MUST be listed as my BFF too. My BFF, my lifemate, my love! <3
I had more pics but got frustrated with trying to get them in the right order...or getting them to load at all...so I'll throw out some mentions!
Tanya, my brave BFF, Amy, my JOY-full BFF, Travis, my absent/busy BFF, Jessi, my FIRST BFF, Carolyn, my amazing BFF, Christy, my frugal BFF, Facebook, my social BFF (though sometimes he drives me to want to drink!), God, my saving BFF, Mindy, my always unexpected BFF, Abby, my HS BFF, Heather, my scrappin' BFF, Bailey, my little sister BFF, Kathy, my always generous BFF, Laura, my relateable BFF, and lastly but most importantly, Mom, my biological BFF.
I know I missed some people...I really wanted to make sure that I listed everyone. I am SO blessed with many wonderful people in my life. BFF and just FF or just friends for a season. Thank you all for being an amazing and growing part of my life. At this point I can almost feel my roots bound up and pressing against the sides of my pot....just waiting to BURST out and shoot up in growth. God has some amazing stuff planned for our lives very soon...I can feel it in the depths of me. I am so looking forward to it. And to taking my amazing friends along with me!!!
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