Saturday, March 12, 2011

Meaning Behind my Blog Name

Its not about justice, its about silence. Its a simple concept really, behind all things child related. Sometimes its NOT about justice....Mommy just doesn't want to hear anymore screaming! :) Its a theory stolen from the stand up comedy of the one and only Bill Cosby. My husband loves Bill Cosby. He is a super funny comedian, a great actor, and an amazing role model for men, parents, and people alike. says justice is the quality of being just; righteous, the moral principal determining conduct. Sometimes that just doesn't apply. Sometimes the offended gets in trouble instead of the offender. All in the name of silence. Because, you see, its not about justice, its about silence. And silence they say, is golden.


  1. LOVE IT! I can sooooo relate! Keep the blogs coming, Mandie! :-)

  2. hahaha NOW I get it...and I love it. Nicely put, Mandie ;)
